項目 |
項目 |
L |
L.[left] |
£.[(ラ) libra(e)] |
L 形鋼[L-shaped steel] |
L 波[L wave; long wave] |
L 判[large size] |
l,l[(フ) litre] |
l.[length] |
l体, L 体 |
LA1[laboratory automation] |
LA2[Lao People"s Democratic Republic] |
LA3[Latin America] |
L.A.[Los Angeles] |
La[(ド) Lanthan] |
L-ADESS[Local Automated Data Editing and Switching System] |
LAFTA(ラフタ)[Latin American Free Trade Association] |
LAN(ラン)[local area network] |
Landsat(ランドサット)[land satellite] |
LAO[Lao People"s Democratic Republic] |
LARA(ララ)[Licensed Agency for Relief of Asia] |
LAS[Las Vegas] |
LAS(ラス)洗剤[linear alkylbenzene sulfonate] |
LASA(ラサ)[large aperture seismic array] |
laser[light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation] |
LASH[lighter aboard ship] |
LAT[Republic of Latvia] |
LAX[Los Angeles] |
LB[Republic of Lebanon] |
lb[(ラ) libra(e)] |
LBA[Socialist People"s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya] |
LBG[liquefied butane gas] |
LBO[leveraged buyout] |
LBP[laser beam printer] |
LBR[Republic of Liberia] |
LC1[landing craft] |
LC2[Library of Congress] |
LC3[light change] |
LC4[Saint Lucia] |
L/C, LC[letter of credit] |
LCA1[life cycle assessment] |
LCA2[low-cost automation] |
LCA3[Saint Lucia] |
LCC[light curtain closed] |
LCD[liquid crystal display] |
LCM[lowest(least) common multiple] |
LCR[least cost routing] |
LD1[laser diode] |
LD2[laser disk] |
LD3[learning disability] |
LD4[light director] |
LD5[(和) living+dining] |
LD 法[Linz-Donawitz process] |
LD50[lethal dose 50] |
LDC[less developed country] |
LDDC[least developed among developing countries] |
LDH[lactate dehydrogenase] |
LDK[(和) living+dining+kitchen] |
LDL[low density lipoprotein] |
L-dopa[L dihydroxyphenylalanine] |
LDP[Liberal-Democratic Party] |
LDPE[low-density polyethylene] |
LDR[labor, delivery, recovery] |
LD-ROM[laser disk read-only memory] |
LE 細胞[lupus erythematosus cell] |
LEAP[light-weight exo-atmospheric projectile] |
LED1[Leningrad] |
LED2[light-emitting diode] |
LEO[low earth orbit] |
LEP[large electron positron collider] |
LES[Kingdom of Lesotho] |
LF1[left fielder] |
LF2[left forward] |
LF3[low fat] |
LF4[low frequency] |
LGA[La Guardia] |
LGW[London-Gatwick] |
LH1[Lufthansa German Airlines] |
LH2[luteinizing hormone] |
LH テープ[low-noise high-output tape] |
LHC[large hadron collider] |
LHR[London-Heathrow] |
LI[Principality of Liechtenstein] |
Li[lithium] |
LIB1(リブ)[liberation] |
LIB2[Republic of Lebanon] |
LIBID[London Interbank Bid Rate] |
LIBOR(ライボー,リボール)[London Interbank Offered Rate] |
LIC[low-intensity conflict] |
LIE[Principality of Liechtenstein] |
LIFFE[London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange] |
LIFO(ライフォ)[last-in,first-out] |
LIM1[Lima] |
LIM2[linear-induction motor] |
LIM3[liquid injection molding] |
LIPS[logical interface per second] |
LISA(リサ)[low input sustainable agriculture] |
LISP(リスプ)[list processor] |
LK[Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka] |
LL1 |
LL2[language laboratory] |
LL 牛乳[(和) long-life milk] |
LL 住宅[long life] |
LL 判 |
LLC[limited liability company] |
LLDC[least less-developed country] |
LLDPE[linear low-density polyethylene] |
LM1[light music] |
LM2[lunar module] |
lm[lumen] |
LME[London Metal Exchange] |
LMG[liquefied methane gas] |
LNG[liquefied natural gas] |
LO1[light open] |
LO2[light operator] |
L.O.[liaison officer] |
LOB[left on bases] |
LOCA(ロカ)[loss of coolant accident] |
log(ログ)[logarithm] |
logo[logotype] |
loran(ロラン)[long range navigation] |
LP1[laser printer] |
LP2[line printer] |
LP3[linear programming] |
LP4[long-playing] |
LP スタンド |
LPG[liquefied petroleum gas] |
LPGA[Ladies" Professional Golf Association] |
LPRP[Lao People"s Revolutionary Party] |
LPS[lipopolysaccharide] |
LR[Republic of Liberia] |
Lr[lawrencium] |
LRBM[long range ballistic missile] |
LRCS[League of Red Cross Societies] |
LRT[light rail transit] |
LRV[light rail vehicle] |
LS[Kingdom of Lesotho] |
LSD1[limited slip differential] |
LSD2[lysergic acid diethylamide] |
LSE[London Stock Exchange] |
L.S.E., LSE[London School of Economics and Political Science] |
LSI[large-scale integrated circuit] |
LSS[life-support system] |
LST1[landing ship for tank] |
LST2[local standard time] |
LT1[local time] |
LT2[Republic of Lithuania] |
L.T.A.[Lawn Tennis Association] |
Ltd.[limited] |
LTH[luteotrophic hormone] |
LTLT[low temperature long time pasteurization] |
LTP[low temperature passivation] |
LTTE[Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] |
LTU[Republic of Lithuania] |
LU1[Grand Duchy of Luxembourg] |
LU2[loudness unit] |
Lu[lutetium] |
LUX[Grand Duchy of Luxembourg] |
LV[Republic of Latvia] |
LV 値[light value] |
LW[left wing] |
LWR[light water reactor] |
lx[(フ) lux] |
LY[Socialist People"s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya] |
.lzh |