



項目 項目
F F ナンバー[F-number]
F ネット[Facsimile Communications Network] F 杯(フェドカップ)[Fed Cup]
F1[Formula One] F1[first filial hybrid]
f[(デンマーク) femto] FA1[factory automation]
FA2[free agent] FA 制[foreign exchange allocation system]
FAA[Federal Aviation Administration] FAD[flavin adenine dinucleotide]
FAE[fuel air explosive] FAIS[Foundation for Advancement of International Science]
FAO(ファオ)[Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations] FAQ[frequently asked question]
FARC[(ス) Frerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Colombia] FAS1[Federation of American Scientists]
FAS2[fetal alcohol syndrome] FAS3[free alongside ship]
FASB[Financial Accounting Standards Board] FASID[Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development]
FAT(ファット)[file allocation table] fax(ファックス)[facsimile]
FAZ(ファズ)[Foreign Access Zone] FB1[finance bill]
FB2[firm banking] FB3[fullback]
F.B.A.[Fellow of the British Academy] FBE[foreign bill of exchange]
FBI[Federal Bureau of Investigation] FBR[fast-breeder reactor]
FBS[fasting blood sugar level] FBW[fly-by-wire]
FC1[fine ceramics] FC2[football club]
FC3[franchise chain] f.c.[fielder"s choice]
FCA[free carrier] FCBP[foreign currency bills payable]
FCC[Federal Communications Commission] FCCJ[Foreign Correspondents" Club of Japan]
FCEV[fuel cell electric vehicle] FCO[Fiumicino]
FD1[floor director] FD2[floppy disk]
FD3[freeze-drying] FDA[Food and Drug Administration]
FDD[floppy disk(driving) device] FDDI[Fiber-Distributed Data Interface]
FDIC[Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation] FDM[frequency-division multiplex]
FDP[(ド) Freie Demokratische Partei] FDR[flight data recorder]
Fe[(ラ) Ferrum] FEMA(フィーマ)[Federal Emergency Management Agency]
FEN(フェン)[Far East Network] FEOGA[(フ) Fonds europeen d"orientation et de garantie agricoles]
FEP(フェップ)[front-end processor] FESPIC(フェスピック)[Far Eastern and South Pacific Paralimpics]
FF1[federal funds] FF2[from feed]
FF3[front-engine front-drive] FF4[functional food]
FF 式ストーブ[forced flue type kerosene space heater] FFP[frequent fliers program]
FI1[fade-in] FI2[family identity]
FI3[Republic of Finland] F.I.A.[(フ) Federation internationale de l"automobile]
F.I.A.F.[(フ) Federation internationale des archives du film] FIAT(フィアット)[(イ) Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino]
F.I.B.A.[(フ) Federation internationale de basketball amateur] FIDO, Fido(ファイド)[Fog Investigation Dispersal Operation]
F.I.E.J.[(フ) Federation internationale des editeurs de journaux et publications] F.I.F.A.(フィーファ)[(フ) Federation internationale de football association]
FIFO(ファイフォ)[first-in,first-out] F.I.G.[(フ) Federation internationale de gymnastique]
fig.[figure] FIJ[Republic of Fiji]
FIM(フィム)[Federation of International Musicians] FIN[Republic of Finland]
F.I.N.A.[(フ) Federation internationale de natation amateur] FIO(フィオ)[free in and out]
F.I.P.P.[(フ) Federation internationale de la presse periodique] FIR[flight information region]
F.I.S.1[(フ) Federation internationale de ski] F.I.S.2[(フ) Front islamique du salut]
F.I.S.A.(フィサ)[(フ) Federation internationale du sport automobile] F.I.S.U.(フィス)[(フ) Federation internationale du sport universitaire]
FIT[foreign individual tour] FIV[feline immunodeficiency virus]
F.I.V.B.[(フ) Federation internationale de volleyball] FJ1[Air Pacific]
FJ2[Republic of Fiji] fj[from Japan]
FK1[Falkland Islands; Malvinas] FK2[free kick]
FLL[Fort Lauderdale] FLN[(フ) Front de Liberation Nationale]
FLNKS[(フ) Front de Liberation Nationale Kanak et Socialiste] FLOPS(フロップス)[floating-point operations per second]
FM1[facility management] FM2[Federated States of Micronesia]
FM3[frequency modulation] Fm[fermium]
FM ページャー[FM pager] FMC[Federal Maritime Commission]
F.M.L.N.[(ス) Frente Farabundo Marti de Liberacion Nacional] FMN[flavin mononucleotide]
FMPT 計画[First Material Processing Test Project] FMS1[flexible manufacturing system]
FMS2[flight management system] FMS3[foreign military sales]
FMV[fair market value] FMVSS[Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard]
FNAL[Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory] FO1[fade-out]
FO2[Faeroe Islands] F.O.[free overside]
FOB, F.O.B.(フォブ)[free on board] F.O.C.[free of charge]
FOCA[Formula One Constructors Association] FOIA[Freedom of Information Act]
FOMC[Federal Open Market Committee] F.O.R.[free on rail]
FOREX[foreign exchange] FORTRAN, Fortran[Formula Translation]
F.O.T[free on truck]貨車渡し。 FP[financial planner]
FPGA[field programmable gate array] FPLMTS[future public land mobile telecommunication system]
FPU[floating point unit] FR1[French Republic]
FR2[front-engine rear-drive] Fr[francium]
FRA1[Frankfurt am Main] FRA2[French Republic]
FRA3[futures rate agreement] FRAM(エフラム)[ferroelectric RAM]
FRB1[Federal Reserve Bank] FRB2[Federal Reserve Board; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System]
FRC1[fiber reinforced concrete] FRC2[Foreign Relations Committee]
FRM[fiber reinforced metal] FRN[floating rate note]
FRP[fiberglass reinforced plastics] FRS[Federal Reserve System]
F.R.S.[Fellow of the Royal Society] FS[file system]
FS 方式[frequency shift] FSB[(ロ) Federalnaja Sluschba Bezopasnosti]
FSC[Forum for Security Cooperation] FSH[follicle-stimulating hormone]
FSLN[(ス) Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional] FS-X[fighter support-X]
FT[Financial Times] FT 工業株価指数[Financial Times Index of Industrial Ordinary Shares]
FTA[free trade agreement] FTAA[Free Trade Area of the Americas]
FTC[Federal Trade Commission] FTH[fiber to the home]
FTL[flexible transfer line] FTP[file transfer protocol]
FTTH[fiber to the home] FTTN[fiber to the neighborhood]
FTZ[free trade zone] FUK[Fukuoka]
FUP カード[frequent users program card] FW[forward]
FWD[front wheel drive] FX[fighter X]
FXA[forward exchange agreement] FY[fiscal year]
FYI[for your information]